Broulee Public School Canteen
Our school canteen is run by the Broulee Public School P&C committee and supports local producers, suppliers and retailers whenever possible. Broulee Public School and the Broulee Public School P&C Committee are always grateful for the commitment and effort offered by our dedicated volunteers.
We are proud to be a Healthy Schools canteen. The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy, launched in 2017, supports a 'whole-of-school' approach to student health and wellbeing and reinforces healthy eating messages taught in the classroom.
Broulee Public School and Broulee Public School P&C Committee are committed to the Guidelines and Standards as directed by the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.
Our food is healthy, nutritious and delicious.
Canteen opening days
Wednesday and Thursday: Lunch orders and over the counter snacks during lunch and recess.
Lunch orders
Please write orders on an appropriately sized paper lunch bag including student name, class, food/drink order, order cost, and money enclosed.
Lunch orders every Wednesday and Thursday
If required - lunch bags plus 20c
A selection of healthy and homemade snacks and drinks are available over the counter during the recess break.
Canteen helpers
Our canteen manager Michelle is always happy to welcome new volunteers to the canteen. If you can spare an hour or two on a Wednesday or a Thursday, as little or as often as you like, then please contact Michelle at